Appalachian Alternatives
Reiki and Meditation Classes *** Classes are currently postponed until a suitable new location is available for use.
Please e-mail Gretchen Swank at suuratareiki@gmail.com with any questions you may have.

Reiki 1

Reiki 2
This one day class will include lecture, discussion, and practice. You will learn all that is necessary to give Reiki treatments to yourself and others, as well as animals. You will learn how to use Reiki to relieve stress and anxiety, improve your overall health, and improve your sense of well being. You will also learn practical uses for Reiki, and how to integrate the practice into your everyday life. This class will also cover techniques to maximize the flow of Reiki energy through your body and connect with yourself in a deeper, more meaningful, way. This class includes the Collective Heart Reiki Level 1 attunement which incorporates the Usui / Tibetan Reiki Level I attunement. You will receive a certificate of completion. A workbook will also be provided.
This one day class will include the Collective Heart Reiki Level 2 attunement which incorporates the Usui / Tibetan Reiki Level 2 attunement . You will receive six Level 2 healing symbols (three from the Usui lineage and three from the Collective Heart lineage), learn to send distance Reiki, and learn techniques to strengthen and enhance your practice. When you make the commitment to this heightened frequency of energy, the vibration of your life will also ascend; We will discuss the responsibility and benefits of this step on your healing journey. You will receive a certificate of completion and a manual.
* Reiki Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Reiki 2. If you received Reiki 1 training from any other Usui / Tibetan Reiki Master, please scan and email a copy of your certificate. If you previously received attunements in the Usui lineage, you may begin your journey in Collective Heart Reiki at Level 2.

Advanced Reiki Training
Advanced Reiki Training is a great way to integrate Reiki as a lifestyle. You will learn Aura Clearing and other advanced techniques. You will also learn to add crystals and herbs into your practice and life. This class includes attunement to one Master Symbol from the Usui or Collective Heart lineages. This is a good stand-alone class, or preparation for Reiki Master Training.
Pre-Requisite: Reiki Level 2
Ed Krippel has been a final test and inspection specialist for 15 years working with ultrasonic transducers in the medical profession. He has a strong interest in meditation and has been practicing for the past decade, emphasizing Zen. He also does annual retreats where noble silence is observed, often for 5 days or more. He is on a path to introduce meditation to others in an easy, approachable manner. Outside of work, Ed enjoys spending time in nature with his person Lorie, and her pups.
We will use our 1.5 hours to explore some meditation basics, emphasizing Metta or Loving Kindness meditation practices.
Cost: $15

Loving Kindness Meditation Class 1
with Ed Krippel

Reiki Master Training
You will receive the Collective Heart Reiki Master attunement, including the Usui / Tibetan Reiki Master attunement. You will be certified as a Reiki Master upon completing this two-day class, with the ability to attune others to Reiki. You will also be qualified to teach all levels in the Collective Heart Reiki lineage. You will receive a manual.
Pre-Requisites: Reiki I & II, and Advanced Reiki Training
(If you received Reiki ART training from any lineage other than Usi / Tibetan Reiki Master, please scan and email a copy of your certificate to suuratareiki@gmail.com.)