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About Collective Heart Reiki

     Collective Heart Reiki is a soft, gentle energy which expands the consciousness of the practitioner through one’s own heart space, into the universal flow of love that unites every heart space in Source.  There is much talk about “Oneness Consciousness” within “New Age” circles and yoga studios.  We are all unique expressions of the same life force energy; the love that rests at the root of creation, and rushes through our being.

     The Collective Heart reminds us that we are made of love.  It opens our heart center and clears the emotional debris which creates the perception that we are somehow separate from each other, and clears our perception of the illusion that Source is outside of ourselves.  The Collective Heart is a web which includes the heart space of every living being on the planet, as well as our loved ones and guides in Spirit.  It is the vibration of creation to which we were all attuned the moment divine feminine and masculine energies merged into the pulse of creation.

     Collective Heart Reiki took root as a single symbol I received while enjoying a morning run the summer of 2014.   I clearly saw the symbol in my mind’s eye.  I knew how it was to be drawn and how it was to be used, as well as its name.  I began working with the energy of this single symbol, which complimented the healing symbols and the Master symbols of the Usui / Tibetan method of healing.   It wasn’t long until I received another symbol during meditation, which later inspired the name of this lineage, “Collective Heart Reiki,”  (which includes the Usui / Tibetan lineage in its teaching / attunement process).

    I was catapulted into a Dark Night of the Soul as part of my own personal healing journey, and a period of self-reflection followed, which required me to take time off to devote to my own healing.  It was the light of Reiki that lived within me and helped guide me through that long, seemingly endless, darkness.  I kept a sketch pad and journal for information I received during meditation over the years, and as I emerged on the other side, I revisited the “Collective Heart” system of Reiki that had been seeded by Spirit aduring my own self-work.  Those seeds began to grow; creativity and intuition came to life within me, and three more healing symbols were given to me during meditation; I knew exactly what I was to do.  Collective Heart Reiki was born.   I felt both Guided and driven to bring this system of healing into the world.  I hope it brings clarity, hope, joy, love, and light to all who experience it.  

Member of International Association of Reiki Professionals

Suurata Reiki and Yoga Studio                        

Altoona, Pennsylvania

570-560-5265 - Sue   

814-937-0292- Gretchen      

Note:   Reiki, Yoga, Ayurveda, Spirit Mediumship, and Herbalism is not for purposes of diagnosing or medically treating any illness or disease.   I am not a medical professional, and any intuitive work done should be considered for entertainment purposes only.

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